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Thursday, July 3, 2014

8 Easy Exercises for Killer Curves Tone your body with these simple workouts

By Ariel Nagi 1. Leg Lifts: Start off on all fours, keeping a neutral spine. Lift one leg as high as you can without bending it. Squeeze your glutes as you lift. Do 15 reps on each side. 2. Diagonal Leg Lifts: Remaining in the same position, lift one leg and cross it over the opposite leg. Squeeze your glutes as you lift. Do 15 reps on each...

What More Women Are Doing for the Sake of High Heels

Discover the terrifying foot procedure gaining popularity By Natalie Matthews This story originally appeared on Elle.com. Women of the world, you probably know this moment, too: You ask the polite shoe salesman to bring you that snakeskin lace-up stiletto or navy ballet flat in a 9 or...

5 Things You Must Do Before You Buy a Swimsuit

Consider the following so you don't regret your next purchase 1. Check for Customizable Features Finding the right swimsuit is about as hard as finding the right pair of jeans. Make it a little easier by looking for bathing suits that...